Residence Life

Residence Life

A Community of Collaboration and Innovation

Collaboration, 在esball国际平台客户端,人际关系和成功在你进入教室之前就开始了, instead beginning from where you live. 当你踏上新的旅程,准备在这里建立你的未来, esball国际平台客户端的住宿生活工作人员致力于确保您的新家受到欢迎, comfortable and a place where you can grow.

Learn more about living on our tight-knit, 支持和创新驱动的校园-从住房选择到找到你的社区,再到准备搬进来.

Housing and Dining Services


Office of Accessibility Services (OAS)

Students, for their own benefit, 应该熟悉这些材料,以及esball国际平台客户端目录中给出的学术标准和课程信息. esball国际平台客户端条例的某些部分适用于教师, administration and staff, as well as visitors to the University.

Clarkson Regulations

Contact Us

For any questions, refer to the appropriate contact below.

Residential Housing Manager: Emma Blaiklock 
Phone: 315-268-6642 

Area Coordinators
Apartments/Hamlin & Powers: Michael Lee-Edwards
First-Year Student Housing: Demetri Cummings
Moore House & New Dorms: Karenlee Smith
The Clarkson School: Matthew Duchscherer

Living on Campus

esball国际平台客户端是一个四年制的住宿校园,生活方式随着你的经历而发展. With options including traditional residence halls, apartments and suites, 找一个适合你个性的地方,一个鼓励你为目标而奋斗的社区. 学生住房资格是基于学生进入的队列, 随着学期的数量,一个学生已经住在校园里.

所有住宿都配有床、书桌、梳妆台/衣柜和壁橱. 公寓还包括冰箱、炉灶、客厅和餐厅家具. (住公寓的学生负责提供自己的锅, pans and other kitchenware.) Students living anywhere on campus, except in the apartments, are required to be on a full dining plan.

See Photos of Our Residences


Aerial image of the quad dorms

Cubley, Reynolds, Ross and Brooks ("The Quad")

每个相连的大厅有四层,每层有12到25个房间(每层有一个RA)。. Rooms accommodate two students. 每栋建筑还包含一个位于四楼的三人房. Bathrooms are located on both ends of every floor. 该区域的浴室清洁通常由设施部门每天(周一至周四)进行. 所有不属于esball国际平台客户端学校的一年级学生都住在这些大楼里. 学生实习与生活学习社区(llc)保持一致.

Adirondack chairs in front of the dorms


这栋四层楼的建筑每层容纳约50名学生,包括单人和双人居住的房间以及男女合住的楼层(每两层有一名学生住宿)。. 住院医生来自各个年级,主要住院医生是大二学生. Bathrooms are located on both ends of every floor. 该区域的浴室清洁通常由设施部门每天(周一至周四)进行.

Price Hall dorm

Price Hall

Each of Price Hall's four separate wings (Newell, Ormsby, Thomas and Farrisee) houses 60 students (20 per floor). Two buildings within the Price complex, Newell and Ormsby, are home to The Clarkson School, with four total House Advisors (HAs) living with the students. Farrisee容纳了一年级杯的获胜者,并补充了其他高年级学生. Thomas houses upper-class students. 这些套房式客房的浴室由设施每周清洁一次,每翼有一名RA. There are two person rooms with a private bathroom in each. In addition, each floor has its own common lounge, 洗衣服务位于价格大厅综合中心核心.

无障碍服务,荣誉项目,esball国际平台客户端学校. 学生办公室主任和住宿生活位于Price Complex的中心核心.


Moore House Dorm

Moore House

Choose from traditional and standalone suites in Moore House. 传统的套房位于一到三层的侧翼, 而独立套房位于每层楼的中心核心. 四楼有传统风格的套房,可容纳多达8人,包括单人房和双人房. Most suites are double occupancy, though some are singles. 摩尔在一楼和二楼也有休息室,每层都有一间洗衣房. 这些套房式客房的浴室由设施每周清洁一次.

Graham Hall Dorm

Graham Hall

这个住宅区主要容纳青少年:四个独立的侧翼(威尔逊), Van Note, Donahue和Olson),每个有60名学生(每层20名),每个翼楼有一名RA. Donahue的一楼是first机器人生活学习社区的所在地, 哪个学校会让一年级学生和高年级学生导师住在一起. 每间套房设有两间卧室和一个共享的私人浴室. 每层楼都有一个公共休息室,地下室提供洗衣服务.

Human Resources, 金融和环境健康与安全位于格雷厄姆综合大楼的中心.


Campus apartments are typically for senior students. Apartment cleaning is up to the residents. Additionally, 所有公寓必须遵守有关批准烹饪物品的消防安全规定, smoking, decorations, etc.

请注意,esball国际app可以申请esball国际平台客户端公寓式住宅:我们有两个指定的esball国际app公寓, one male and one female, located in either Townhouse or Woodstock. 在这些公寓之外,我们可以根据空间安排esball国际app.

Woodstock Lodge Dorms

Woodstock Village

伍德斯托克村为高年级学生和我们的国际村生活学习社区提供了10栋公寓楼. Apartments vary from two to seven bedrooms. 大多数公寓都有单人间,但也有几间有双人间. 公共洗衣设施位于1、4及6号楼.

Riverside Dorms

Riverside Apartments

Each apartment in Riverside houses four upper-class students. All of the 24 apartments here are carpeted; 12 have two bedrooms, and 12 have three. The complex has communal laundry facilities and parking. 这些公寓有几个单人房和双人房.

Weston's Apartments

Weston's Apartments

韦斯顿公寓位于市中心的大学书店楼上. 这些公寓可以容纳一到四个人,都有单人卧室. 洗衣设施位于综合大楼内,以及垃圾和回收. 这个地区的居民必须遵守所有的乡村停车条例. There is an RA for these apartments.

Townhouse Apartments

Townhouse Apartments

联排公寓社区有52个两居室单元,每个单元可容纳4名上流社会的学生. This complex has communal laundry facilities and parking. 联排别墅公寓内的所有床都位于内置办公桌上方.

开始建立支持你的努力和挑战你成长的终身纽带. 我们的一年级学生与其他有着相似兴趣的学生一起生活在19个生活学习社区. Located in “The Quad,这些社区帮助你过渡到esball国际平台客户端的生活,并通过特殊的课程来培养你的学术联系, social and personal needs.

所有的生活学习社区在esball国际平台客户端一年级杯挑战的第一学期相互竞争. 这一举措可以激励学生与同学一起相互了解, integrate into the campus community and utilize its resources. 学生参加由宿舍生活组织的某些大学活动,可以获得他们所在楼层的分数. 一些激励活动包括招聘会、校园演讲和体育赛事. 期末得分最高的楼层有校长主持的晚宴, 获得个性化的地板/esball国际平台客户端swag,并选择在第二年搬进Price综合大楼的Farrisee House.

Explore all Living-Learning Communities:

Solinsky: Students who earn the Solinsky Scholarship can live here, 在那里你可以沉浸在与工程和制造相关的一切中. 你还可以定期和库尔特工程学院院长见面, receiving individualized academic and career mentoring, and gain priority access to Clarkson's Makerspace.

Go Knights!: 与其他顶级体育爱好者一起生活,专注于在比赛和校园中建立esball国际平台客户端精神. 项目涉及团队合作、职业道德、健康生活和学术卓越.

The Golden Gamers Floor (GGF): 棋牌游戏、纸牌游戏、电子游戏——如果你喜欢游戏,这一层就是为你准备的.

Creative Minds: 艺术和文学是理解我们周围世界的关键. If you have talents in music, visual arts, theater, writing or any other media, bring your passion here. 寻找使用创造力来改善你的学术经历和esball国际平台客户端社区的方法.

Outdoor Enthusiast: Love the outdoors and sustainable living? Join the Outdoor Enthusiast floor, 在那里,你可以利用波茨坦校园作为探索北部国家的跳板,并与他人分享你对大自然的热爱.

ROTC Floor: 与其他对服兵役感兴趣的学生住在一起. 认识esball国际平台客户端后备军官训练团的现役成员,同时了解他们的传统和习俗.

Movie Fanatics: 与这层楼的其他电影爱好者见面,为你们共同的爱而联系. Connect with the Clarkson Film Club, and participate in programs centered around having fun, 结识新朋友,分析电影对我们社区的影响. Popcorn included.

STEM Ed: 与附近学区的K-12学生一起培养对科学的热爱, technology, engineering and math. 领导实践研讨会,提供辅导,甚至指导学生应对工程挑战.

F1RST CONNECTION: If you're the first in your family to get a bachelor's degree, 你并不孤单:esball国际平台客户端四分之一的学生被认为是第一代. 通过与其他同样认为自己是第一代的学生见面,找到你在这个新环境中茁壮成长所需的支持.

WiSE: 科学和工程领域的妇女(WiSE)为这些领域的妇女提供额外的支持, where they're often outnumbered. 与女性教授和员工见面,她们可以在日常挑战中支持你. (WiSE的编程对生活在MiSE的学生开放.)

MiSE: 男性在科学和工程(MiSE)支持男性通过日常挑战. Meet upperclassmen and staff members who serve as mentors. (MiSE的编程对居住在WiSE的学生开放.)

FIRST Robotics: 这个由40名学生组成的社区由住在格雷厄姆大厅的一年级学生和二年级学生组成, typically reserved for upperclassmen. 在校内和校外开展机器人外展活动,参加特殊活动. For more information:

Knight Speed: Every year, Clarkson students build better robots, hybrid snowmobiles, race cars and other machines through our SPEED teams. If you're interested in automobiles, mechanical engineering or any of those engineering challenges, consider this LLC.

Honors Program: 培养你的好奇心,在探索和研究中建立联系,这个LLC向被esball国际平台客户端荣誉课程录取的一年级学生开放.

Gender Inclusive: An affirming, safe and welcoming community for students who are genderqueer, transgender, currently transitioning, discovering their gender identity, gender fluid, 非二元或任何尊重和欣赏这些身份和生活经历的学生的人. This community shares a single gender-inclusive restroom.

Men In Business: 对职业发展感兴趣的男性应该考虑MiB层. Students in the Reh School of Business or Engineering & Management program benefit from workshops on résumé-building, job-searching and applications, presentation skills and more.

Ignite Innovation: Think. Make. Ignite. 这个社区是为在全球范围内具有创新热情的学生建立的. 获取创客资源,同时提高你的创造技能, dreaming up ways to solve tomorrow's challenges.

Pre-Health Professionals: For students considering a career as a physical therapist, physician assistant, doctor of medicine or veterinary physician. 与这些领域的专业人士见面,以及与你有相似道路的其他学生.

Central Cuisine: 学习制作来自世界各地的食物,因为你可以直接进入Quad的两个学生厨房. 了解校园多元化和包容性俱乐部和社团,如SHPE, NSBE, SASE, SWE等.

校园里有四个主题宿舍,是我们四个兄弟会的所在地:Sigma Chi, Sigma Phi Epsilon, Tau Kapa Epsilon and Delta Upsilon. 这些房子由来自组织的学术认可的学生居住.

Vending Machines: Located in some residence halls.

Mail: All students receive a campus mailbox. 邮件直接送到学生中心的校园收发室.

Direct Delivery: 学生必须安排领取食物或其他未通过邮政服务送达的物品, UPS or similar services. Delivery staff are not allowed into residential buildings.  

Network Access: 所有宿舍房间都可以使用大学的高速有线和无线网络. Learn more about services offered by the Office of Information Technology.

Parking: On-campus parking is provided in certain lots. Learn more here.

Bicycle Racks: Located outside each residence hall.

Air Conditioning: 宿舍楼没有空调,也没有学校提供的空调. 任何大学宿舍都不允许使用窗户空调. 学生们被允许使用不通过窗户排气的地板单元. One unit per room is permitted.

Storage on Campus: The University is unable to store personal belongings. 在离开校园宿舍时,学生们应该清理所有的个人物品.

Pack This, Leave That

规划你的第一间宿舍几乎和搬进去一样有趣. 接受一些友好的建议:你不可能把所有的东西都带在身上. (Some items are prohibited for fire safety and other reasons.这里列出了一些你绝对想要的东西,以及一些你可以放弃的东西.

Room essentials

  • 床单及毛毯(双张超长床单-每张床垫36" x80 ",连枕头).
  • Trash can (we provide the recycling bin).
  • Bath towels and hand towels (let's reduce paper towel use).
  • 洗漱用品(淋浴凉鞋及用品、保健品、浴室童).
  • Clothes and hangers, hanging closet organizer.
  • Personal fan (optional).

Things to help you work

  • Desk lamp with LED light bulb
  • Desk organizer
  • General school supplies
  • Headphones to enjoy your music

Electronics and related

  • Energy Star appliances – 等你接到室友的任务再协调这些! (See "MicroFridges" below.)
  • Entertainment (books, music, games).
  • EPEAT-certified computer and flash drive. 建议使用笔记本电脑(它占用宿舍更少的空间,并提供一个移动的工作环境).
  • Ethernet cable (we provide the jack in the wall).
  • 智能电源插板(当你不使用电子产品时关闭电源).


  • esball国际平台客户端不提供床上用品,但学生可以带自己的. 传统的校园床可以在地面和大约四英尺高之间升降.
  • 洗衣袋和洗衣液用于冷水洗涤,小洗洁精.
  • Reusable bowl/plate and utensils for any in-room eating.
  • Reusable coffee/travel mug and water bottle.
  • Sewing kit.
  • Storage containers. 一个学生建议:把你的衣服装在一个或两个大的固体塑料箱里. 一旦你到了这里,这些箱子可以用来存放衣物,也可以用作洗衣篮, and you will not have to find space for empty suitcases.
  • String lights. Installation should avoid pinch hazards, cannot be over entrances/doorways, 不能与可燃材料接触,也不能附着在天花板上.

微型冰箱(微波炉/冰柜/冰箱)可供年租. 这套公寓在你到达之前就会送到你的房间,足够两个室友共用. You can save 20 percent by ordering before July 15.


  • Air conditioner
  • Candles, incense
  • Charcoal/gas grill
  • Extension cords
  • Full-size refrigerator*
  • Halogen lamp
  • Space heater
  • Toaster oven
  • Waterbed
  • Wireless access points or routers
  • Zip cord

*Students have the option to rent a MicroFridge on campus.

Tips for What Not to Bring and Fire Safety for Apartments


向大学的过渡既令人兴奋又令人伤脑筋. 每个人都有自己适应大学生活的过程, 但我们已经整理了一些资源,让你自己介绍你的新家尽可能容易.

学校没有为学生的财产购买任何形式的保险,也不对这些财产的损失或损坏承担任何责任. 鼓励学生携带自己的个人适当保险. 学生应随时关闭和锁住宿舍的大门. Residents are financially liable for damages to rooms, apartments, furnishings, and common area facilities. 无人认领或公共区域损坏的费用将由住校学生共同承担.

Personal property insurance is recommended for all students. Learn more about its benefits and what policies cover.

Q: Is my student required to have a meal plan?
A:任何住在传统和套间式房屋的人都必须有膳食计划. 住在公寓、主题屋或校外的学生可以不参加膳食计划.

Q: How do students change their meal plan?
答:学生可以在学期的前两周通过电子邮件更改他们的膳食计划 or stopping by the Residence Life office. All meal plans carry the same fee.

Q: Do students have a choice in selecting their roommate?
答:大一学生被要求填写一份“室友调查”表格,以便esball国际平台客户端能够为学生匹配合适的室友. However, 如果学生想申请另一个esball国际平台客户端的一年级学生, 他们可以把彼此的名字写在调查问卷上,宿舍生活的工作人员会考虑他们的要求.

Q: Are there any single rooms available to students?
A:是的,有给高年级学生的单人间. 单人房可通过每年春季举行的房屋抽签获得.

Q: Are pets allowed in the residence halls or apartments?
A: No, esball国际平台客户端宿舍和公寓严禁携带宠物,服务性动物除外. 在这里了解更多esball国际平台客户端服务动物的政策和程序.

Q: If I lose my student ID card, what should I do?
答:学生必须立即向校园安全中心报告卡丢失或被盗 & Security. The University, Residence Life, esball国际平台客户端餐饮公司对未经授权使用学生证概不负责.

Q: If I lost the key to my room, what should I do?
A:学生遗失钥匙应立即向校园安全中心报告 & 保安部然后去住宿生活部领钥匙 replacement. Their student account will be charged accordingly. Key duplication is strictly prohibited.

A: Students should go to this website 并完成工作请求,以便设施和服务部门解决问题. 当收到工作请求时,学生将自动收到设施和服务部门的电子邮件, issued, and completed. 

Q: What happens if my residential space has open beds in it?
答:宿舍生活事务处保留随时更改住宿分配的权利, with little or no notice, in response to facility limitations, changes in enrollment, conflict resolution, etc.,或满足整个住宅社区的需要. This includes reassigning students to any vacant spaces.

Campus Breaks

While most residents look forward to campus breaks, they must keep in mind some regulations before leaving campus. 

Academic Calendar

October & February Break 
A four-day break during which the university remains open. Students do not need to vacate the campus or request to stay. 在此期间,用餐选择将受到限制,用餐刷卡将无法使用.

November & Spring Break
The university is closed during this time. All students must vacate campus. 如果学生想要在假期的任何部分提前返回,必须通过住宿生活办公室提出申请. 如果学生需要作为学校组织的一部分留下来, group, or department, 团体教练/经理或顾问必须联系住宿部确认申请. There is no food on campus during this break.

Winter Break
未毕业的学生必须在最后一次考试后24小时内离开校园. 12月毕业的学生必须在12月毕业典礼的第二天搬出他们的校园住房. 如果学生想要在假期的任何部分提前返回,必须通过住宿生活办公室提出申请. 如果学生需要作为学校组织的一部分留下来, group, or department, 团体教练/经理或顾问必须联系住宿部确认申请. There is no food on campus during this break. 

Summer Break
未毕业的学生必须在最后一次考试后24小时内离开校园. 5月毕业的学生必须在5月毕业典礼的第二天搬出他们的校园住房,并且必须遵守所有的关闭程序. Clarkson will not store any student items for the break. 如果学生想要在假期的任何部分提前返回,必须通过住宿生活办公室提出申请. 如果学生需要作为学校组织的一部分留下来, group, or department, 团体教练/经理或顾问必须联系住宿部确认申请. There is no food on campus during this break. 

Your New Home Awaits

Have more questions about moving on campus? Let us know — we're happy to help.